Friday, January 30, 2009

Blogging slacker

That's me! I haven't even taken the time to read others' blogs, let alone update mine, until today. I got a reminder from Summer that it's been awhile, I just didn't realize how long it had been since I wrote anything. Thanks Summer for getting me going again!
Some updates:
Nick started the semester on January 13th and is taking two graduate classes this semester and works full time. He got an A- in his class last semester and I am so proud of him, especially because the class was REALLY hard. I'm excited for him to have the summer off and be able to really do well at work and have fun with the kids and me.
I just had my 24 week appointment on Wednesday and the baby seems to be doing really well. We still don't have a name for the little guy, but hopefully by the time he comes we'll have some names we both like. I have been feeling so great, it's amazing! As long as I plan the weekly menu with mexican food I do really well actually cooking it and don't get sick, weird eh? One week we had lots of pork on the menu (because it was on sale) and I didn't feel good and had NO desire to cook. I've still been working twice a week, consulting for insurance, and watching kids Tuesday-Friday. Needless to say I've been busy with Nick always at work and school but I've been BLESSED with this pregnancy and been able to keep up with everything so far.
Andrew is still loving preschool and loves to tell me all the things he learns. I love helping in his class once a month too, kids are so cute! He is growing like a weed and amazes me with his insight into things. I.E., Me: Andrew, you make me so happy! Andrew: You make me happy, but also sad, and mad too! We've had a few problems with him calling me names like "pee-pee head" the other day after school, and having consequences like time outs. He gets three minute time outs, that end up going for about 12 minutes because he "falls" off of time out, and the clock starts over, or he talks back to me, or tries to play with toys, etc. I hold on to the hope that someday he'll shape up when I threaten time out.
Madelyn is talking like crazy. Some of her favorite words right now are: naughty, poopy, peas (or p-p-p for please), don't, Aneeee (for Andrew), Mommyyyy, Daddyyyy, crinckle, tickle, yucky, etc. She's been saying two word sentences too, like "Don't Aneee" or "Don't go" or "poopy out" (when she's sitting on the potty). She keeps me busy and running around like crazy (probably the reason I'm 6 months pregnant and haven't gained weight). She'll patiently sit for a good 5 minutes, whileI do her hair, and once I'm done she promptly stands up and un-does everything I just did.
Well there's the novel of what we're up to. I hope everyone is doing well!


amylynr said...

Wow is she potty training already! That's so awesome! Thanks for throwing such a great party. We love you so much! Also, tell me if there's anything I can do to help with Rachel's party. I know you're so busy so please give me a bunch to do to help you out! Love you! Amy Everyone: Go vote 5 stars for Ryan!!!!