Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Andrew is 4!!!

It happened, my little Andrew turned 4 on Sunday. When he woke up I explained to him that he was no longer 3, but 4, and he jumped up and shouted "hooray"!!! I then showed him the cars cake I had made (I stayed up till about 1:45am making), he had to look at it twice he was so excited. He wanted to know if his friends were going to come over and play, but I told him we were going to have a friend party when he turns 5. When I took him to Sam's club on Saturday he got to pick out a present for himself. He ended up picking out a math/numbers work book. He loves it! He also gets a bike, but we're not giving it to him until we celebrate his birthday this weekend with my family. I can't believe he's 4 already, where did the time go? We haven't had his 4 yr appt yet, so I'm not sure of his stats, but I'll post them soon. He's really into drawing pictures and spelling words. His imagination is going crazy, we have Andrew's art everywhere, it's even spilling into Grandma and Grandpa Nielson's home.
Here are some pictures from the party at Grandma and Grandpa Nielson's...we have video too, but I don't have it on the computer yet.

Don't you love how Luke adores Andrew?
He was following his every movement.

He also adored the cake =).


Natalie J said...

Happy Birthday Andrew! I can't believe he is 4. What a big kid! We need to play again soon!

Angela said...

I hope Andrew had a great birthday. The cake looks great. Luke is such a cute boy. I like the picture of him staring at the cake.

JennMatt said...

Cute family! Luke is getting big so fast. I can't believe Andrew is 4, I remember going to the hospital when he was born. Crazy how time flies!