Sunday, July 27, 2008

Time flies...

This week went by pretty fast, it seems. Today Madelyn and I missed church because she wasn't feeling too great and was pretty ornery. I think it's just all the teeth she's getting in lately.
Andrew is really excited about his birthday being on Saturday and he can't wait to send out invitations. Hopefully I can get them finished up soon. I can't believe he's 3 on Saturday, it's so weird! I feel like I'm still 18! I keep having dreams where I'm in high school still and guys will ask me out, but I tell them I can't date because I'm married and after a while in my dream I remember that I have kids too. I think maybe that's just me trying to hold onto being young and carefree...but those days are long gone.
Tonight I saw a picture that was taken in Oak City at Nick's grandpa's 90th birthday celebration, Nick took me with him to meet his family there right before we were engaged, and we both looked so skinny and young! It's crazy what married life will do to a person! Just kidding, I think it's the kids' fault... seriously! Anyway, I'm back on the weight loss shenanigan again. I only have 10 weeks as of tomorrow to lose 60 lbs. That's probably when I'll start clomid again. I've been doing really well, eating 1000-1200 cals a day and exercising. I'm pretty much to the point where anything is better than nothing, so I'll give it my best. One thing is for sure, I get so sick being pregnant I always lose at least 15 lbs. and keep it off almost the whole pregnancy. With Madelyn I gained about 8 lbs. and that was only the last month when I had to take it easy.
Well, this next week should be a pretty good one. I imagine most of the time will be spent in the basement and hopefully outside (if it gets cooler).
I hope everyone has a fabulous week!


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha really you know Tate? give me that dirt! haha

Lianna Black said...

I share the weight loss struggles, boy is it a hard thing to do, especially staying home! I know how it is! I hope your sweet baby feels better, than can be rough. I would love to go walking with you anytime! Let's make a plan because I would love the company and the walking partner! We will talk soon! hehe See you Saturday and please call me if I can bring something to help with lunch, I will be happy to :)